
Here Are Ten Suggestions to Help You Breathe Easier This Pollen Season

Intro: Breathe Easier During the Pollen Season

Need to know how to breathe easier during the pollen season? It is that time of year, and the pollen levels that are present during allergy season this year are at an abnormally high level. Because of this, a significant portion of us will experience symptoms such as irritated and watery eyes, scratchy throats, nasal congestion, and even fatigue. “Tell me about it!” is probably what’s going through your head right now. When we breathe in pollen, our systems react to it as if it were a dangerous foreign invader and begin an immunological reaction to fight against it.

When anything like that takes place, our nasal passages start to run like a flooded river, and our eyes start to well up with tears like Niagara Falls. Some allergy therapies include acupuncture, steroidal nasal sprays, and nonprescription antihistamines. On the other hand, the most effective treatment for pollen allergies is avoidance of the allergen. The standard of air that is present in your house is another essential aspect to take into account. When allergy season rolls around, Jay Ayers, who is the Indoor Air Quality Product Manager at Trane Heating and Cooling, shares the top 10 pieces of advice he has for lowering the symptoms of hay fever and other pollen-related disorders.

Take off your outerwear and kick off your shoes as soon as you go into the building.

Pollen can easily stick to you and your pets when you go outside.  Even if you wear long sleeves and pants, this is still true. So, when you get back inside your house, you should try to change your clothes so that you don’t spread pollen to your furniture and other parts of your house. You might find that giving your animals a good scrub with pet wipes helps get rid of any pollen that may have gotten stuck in their fur.

At the very least, you should wash all of your clothing and linens once every week.

You should wash your bedding at least once a week to keep contaminants at bay because pollen is carried through the air and can spread easily. This is the case even if you aren’t lounging in bed dressed in the same clothes you wore while you were out in the fresh air. It is essential to keep in mind that the water temperature in the washing machine needs to reach at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit to eliminate allergens, dust mites, and the eggs that they produce. As a consequence of this, go with the hot water cycle.

Use a dryer to dry your clothes rather than hanging them to dry in the air.

If the pollen count in your region is particularly high, you should avoid line drying your clothing and bedding outside. Doing so would negate the benefits of having your clothes and bedding washed when you brought them back inside.

Make every effort to keep as many windows and doors shut as you possibly can.

After long stints indoors, most of us want to open our windows to let in the fresh air. However, by doing so, we invite spring allergens such as pollen into our homes. The installation of a system that cleans the air and enhances the quality of the air in your home is another worthy endeavor that should be undertaken.

This patented system makes use of the most advanced technology available to eliminate up to 99.98 percent of the airborne particles that are present in the air that we breathe in our homes. This is accomplished by reducing the number of microorganisms and allergens that could be potentially hazardous to health, such as pollen, dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants.

If you suffer from allergies, you should take your allergy medication for at least half an hour before going outside.

Antihistamines have been shown to work more effectively when ingested this way. Consequently, the treatment has the potential to stop your body from producing histamine and other substances that are the root cause of your symptoms.

Make routine cleanings of the space by dusting and vacuuming it.

If you make this a weekly habit, you won’t have to worry about any pests sneaking in on your clothes or shoes. It will also help with any dust that may have floated in through open vents. If you do this, it will also help with anything that may have entered your home through open windows or doors.

Check pillows and mattresses

Bedding that has been verified as hypoallergenic and allergy-free can keep allergens out of the house. Make sure that the bedding you select completely envelops the bed and the pillows so that pollutants are unable to establish a foothold in your region. This will prevent pollutants from establishing a foothold in your area.

Vary the positions in which you sleep each night.

People with allergies may find that their symptoms get better if they take a shower in the evening, right before bed. When you wash your hair and face at the end of the day, you get rid of allergens that have stuck to your scalp and face all day. This also ensures that they will not transfer to your freshly washed pillows and linens.

Ensure that your garden remains in good condition.

If you continue to maintain and trim your lawn and garden throughout the spring, the longer blades will not be able to collect as much pollen from the trees and flowers as they would have been able to if you had not done so.

Inform yourself, determine the pollen count, and take the appropriate preventative measures.

We all want to breathe easier during the pollen season. To achieve this, it is almost always to one’s advantage to familiarize oneself with the climate of the surrounding area. Spending time outside during the parts of the day when the pollen count is at its lowest is a good general rule of thumb to follow. The first thing in the morning is typically when it is at its worst!

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